
Conversations with Joni on Astrology

4 Aug 2012

Conversations with Joni on Astrology

Since astrology is the study of cycles, with a bases in mathematics, can it predict other things besides natural catastrophes or manmade destruction? 
Financial astrology, sports, health matters, marriage and children basically anything and everything can be predicted with astrology that is here confined to the physical world. This means the limitations of the world which are controlled through “Time”. There is a beginning and end, and astrology is basically timing of events and their cycles. This can be seen in world events and funneled down to our individual lives. This concerns all matters.
Astrology is the father of all the sciences. And the people who make fun of it like scientist have never studied it, which sheds light into their philosophy of proving something before making judgment. People speculate on what they think astrology is based on what they think they know about it, which is nothing. It is not the shallow Sun Sign prediction articles. It is not psychic whoo whoo, making predictions on feelings or channeling info from the spirit world. It is a valid deep study that involves mathematics, physics, geometry, astronomy, philosophy, psychology, and spirituality. And what is really cool is from Mundane astrology (World Events) it really looks at things from the macrocosm to the microcosm. “As above so below”. This is a really profound concept to conceive. I have only gotten glimpses of the inner dimensions of what astrology is truly about. It is so complex I believe we cannot fully comprehend how astrology works, because it is beyond our ability to measure something infinite with finite ways because this involves the infinite Universe. I don’t pretend to tell you how it works, but I can tell it does work! Practicing astrology professionally for 35 years keeps me in amazement.
It is a shame that people don’t recognize the value in using astrology. In Western culture people are truly ignorant of this Divine knowledge. When I tell people I am an astrologer first of all they don’t take me seriously, some laugh out loud, roll their eyes, and they usually ask me, “Do you really believe in that”? No I spent my entire life studying something I don’t believe in! Really what kind of question is that?
In ancient times astrologers were revered and honored as esteemed wise men. In these times the entertainment used to be the night sky telling stories of the myths and folklore of the stars. I say this is a Divine science because all cultures have their myths and stories of the Stars. These stories trace back before recorded history. Where did they come from? Furthermore, when understanding the myths behind the planets and stars no matter what culture the symbolic representations are the same. There was no mass communications, how is this possible? For example, comparing Greek mythology to Indian (India) mythology the planets have the same Universal meanings, Venus or Aphrodite means “of the sea foam”, for she evolved out of the foam from the castration of Cronus, as it poured into the sea. In Indian myth Venus is called Sukra relates to semen. In both myths Venus/Sukra symbolized the creation of mankind. Mercury is the planet of youth before puberty or androgyny, and in Indian myth Mercury could change sexes at will. In Greek mythology Mercury and Venus had a child which was a hermaphrodite meaning it had both sexes. My point is the symbology of mankind through the power of mythology and the stories that are written in the heavens and stars is the story of our humanity and they were handed down from the Divine.
The reason Indian astrology is called Vedic astrology is because the oldest references to astrology are seen in the Vedas which are the most ancient Indian scriptures. The Vedas are written in hymns which use the human body as reference, yoga is the limbs but most significantly astrology is called the eyes of the Vedas. Indicating this science gives us sight where we cannot see. Astrology is used for self-understanding, which leads to Universal knowledge. The yogis and Seers of India respect astrology for self betterment and actualization. When you come to understand you deepest motivations, judgments, fears, ambitions, angers, and love you come to know yourself, your purpose and why you are here. These are the many things we come to know of ourselves through the understanding of astrology.
Indian astrology is more predictive and specific than Western astrology. I was a Western astrologer for 20 years and love the psychological depth of Western astrology. But most of my clients want to know the future so Vedic astrology became an invaluable tool with prediction of future dates and times. When I site specific things in their past I get their attention, and they become much more involved. For example in 1999 you went through a divorce and in 2002 your mother was sick. This future information can be very useful.
Indian astrology is a bit more complex but so is the information you are able to give. Indian astrology takes into account precession of the equinoxes. Which means the planets relative to the signs are moving backwards. In plan English the sign you were before in Western astrology has moved backwards almost an entire sign. So if you heard the recent news reporters in their quest to debunk astrology about your sign is different so astrology is wrong. They are right about the sign change. But Vedic astrology takes this into account. Precession also indicates the changes in the consciousness and humanity’s evolvement on Earth. Each precessional cycle through all 12 signs takes 24,000-26,000 years to complete.  This is what they mean when they say “we are dawning on the Aqe of Aquarius”!
Through your astrological chart you can understand who you are, based on past present and future circumstances. You realize your gifts, goals and what you came here to do. And with every experience and person you meet you are coming closer to understand your inner universe which is reflected in the outer Universe. So you see what is happening in the outside world is actually a reflection of your internal make up and affects everyone in some way on this amazing planet. This is explained through astrology!
When we come to realize the beauty of our nature and how everything inter correlates we begin to see the connection to all and how important our time is here on earth.
I look at every mass event as an indication of something I need to see within myself and it gives me messages as to where the world is in consciousness.
Tragic events always stir and awaken a sense of sadness and horror for the victims but I remind myself that this is a part of the human evolvement and is a part of nature. In natural catastrophes, nature brings destruction and death for the new to be born. Human destruction is always the result of an imbalance, and in both cases the laws of nature are always to bring balance. We may resist but cannot control the laws of nature. The human body and psyche are always fighting to restore balance. Sickness is how the body to fights for balance. Fevers are the body’s natural way to fight and kill infection. Cancer begins as a defense mechanism that turns out of control and begins to destroy the system. My point is the Divine Force, law or God is to restore balance. It is the force and divine law of nature. It has no opinions, judgments, or religion. It is the powerful force that heals, loves and is a part of us to understand ourselves and how all of this is connected is the study of astrology.
So you see the all events in global affairs are the Divine seeking evolution to find balance. The crash of the stock market is the result of the imbalance of the financial, and balance means we must pull back and change. Everything is cyclic and has an ebb and flow.
Astrologically there are many events that will take place in the near future that will create more balance globally. They seem extreme and hard but they are always for our highest good involving growth.
As I said before, everything is cyclic and has a beginning and end. There are big cycles with smaller cycles within. There are global cycles, affecting the world, and cycles affecting our communities and our own individual lives. The birth charts you are most familiar with are your own individual birth charts. This is based on your birthday, year, time and place of birth. This is where all your planets are set up according to where the planets were at this time. They are placed in a map which is divided up into 12 different areas of your life called the houses. The houses are set up in accordance to the time of your birth and where you were born. Once all these longitudes and latitudes are calculated, the planets on that day fall into a specific houses relating to every life experience; Career, home, family, marriage or children. It is where the planets are transiting in the sky currently that will affect events now and in the future. For example: Jupiter is the planet that brings good things into our lives and as it transits into the 7th house of marriage, you may decide to get married. As certain planets travel around your personal chart it will indicate opportunities in accordance to your personal chart.
So with this is in mind you will understand when your life experiences are due to unfold in your life. Astrology should be used as a weather forecast. If it is going to be rainy take a rain coat and umbrella. This is the same in life you can prepare for the different cycles as they unfold in your chart.
There is a birth of everything therefore astrological maps or charts can be cast for the beginning of everything in life. There is a birth chart for marriage, the start of a business, moving into a new home, new job, even for medical plans such as surgery. These charts can indicate the rise and fall of certain cycles within these different new beginnings. Astrology can be used in prediction in the stock market as well. Many use astrology in financial matters but few will ever reveal their source of prediction in these markets. An actual quote from J.P. Morgan was “Millionaires don’t use astrology Billionaires use astrology”.  The truth is he was a firm believer in Astrology for his astrologer Evangeline Adams told him not to get on the Titanic, which thanks to his astrologer he didn’t.
Charts are cast for the first trade charts for businesses in the stock market.
While writing my book “How to Make Money Using Astrology” I put together the many ways the cycles of astrology were used to forecast the trends in the stock market, gambling, business, lottery winners and discovered a way to predict wins in sports. As I wrote and explained this in my book I realized I had a gold mine and took the chapter out and developed my own computer program that predicts the wins of Professional Sports. I have used this on college and NFL teams with great success. I intentionally did this to prove the validity of astrology not to make money on sports. Because this was a means to finally get people to realize what astrology is and that it really does work. I have successfully predicted the Super Bowl wins for the last three years. All of this is documented.
I have 3 websites in the US, write for one in India and a Website in Japan since 2008. I specifically predicted a devastating earthquake would hit Japan in March 2011. Many of my Japanese readers thanked me for the forewarning. 
Which brings me to my newest venture. I am excited about My new website is Here I will be analyzing the current events globally and relating them astrologically to help us understand our daily lives and how this information can help us become more aware. This is a way we can use astrological knowledge to understand humanity and relate to ourselves for self-betterment and to guide our selves through life. It is a weather forecast for life and how to steer in the emotional storms, political trends, and economic cycles. Victoria Belue Schaefer will take the astrological information and reference it in a way that is practical and logical. Her insights give clarity to the deep symbolic information I access and translate to the world and our community.
As always there must be some predictions given, as many are interested in knowing what I predict for the future.
The outer planets are the predictors of the big trends and cycles controlling world events. The major focus for the next 2 years involves the aspect of Uranus and Pluto. They will form an exact square 7 times. This indicates a breakdown in the powers that control the world in terms of the economy and nuclear power. Pluto rules atomic energy, world economy, and dictatorship. While Uranus rules sudden unexpected break-downs, power outages, electricity, computers, and is often called the “Great Awakener”. This means we will be awakened to the corruption of the financial powers that rule the world. There will be many power outages and internet breaks. Also nuclear blasts cause destruction and imbalance to our world. The nuclear planets in Japan unleashed poisons that cause a change in how we use energy. All this is already all happening. The power outage recently in India put 600,000,000 people without electricity for two days.
But most of all there is an awakening that is changing consciousness and awareness globally. The political and financial upheavals are beginning a new way of life.
After the big cycles of the outer planets that indicate the overall global effects then there are smaller cycles within the these that indicate the current trends which involve eclipses, and the cycle of Saturn and Jupiter. All these cycles determine world events and trickle down to our individual lives and cycles. 
Eclipses are the most powerful tool astrologers use for prediction. They are based the nodes of the Moon (Rahu/Ketu). Their cycles indicate where the biggest points of change in life. Their complete cycle takes 18 and half years. We all have a big life change in life around the age of 18, where we leave home and go away to college. Consequently every 18 and half years we go through this radical change, ages 36-37, 55-56 and, 73-74. 
The focus is now on the economy because the placements of the eclipses are occurring in Taurus and Scorpio, which concern banks, money, and the powers that direct and control our money. These are the most relevant issues concerning the world now.
Most specifically 2012 is about the cycles of Jupiter and Saturn and their relationship to each other. This was the focus of my recent books Transformation of Consciousness 2012 and Beyond and How to Make Money Using Astrology. I make my predictions using Jupiter and Saturn in relationship to the nodes of the Moon within the big picture of the outer planets cycles. All this predicts a revolutionary year financially. The stock market and the economy are headed for a BIG Wake Up, and I think it should happen very, very soon. August is treacherous due to the Saturn and Mars forming a conjunction August 14th. September is crucial for the world economy. But the elections will be convoluted with major confusion and mishaps. Mercury will turn retrograde on November 6th Election Day! There will be a turbulent event and we will not know who wins the Presidential race. This was exactly what happened in 2004 between Kerry and Bush. Mercury turned retrograde on Election Day. The political race has postponed the inevitable due to happen at the time of the elections and there is chaos the month following, December 2012. No wonder the Mayans said it was the end of the world. This is a transformational time!